Positive and negative space cutout complicated
Positive and negative space cutout complicated

positive and negative space cutout complicated

Finally the pieces are glued to the background and the project completed as each child signs off their personal piece of Matisse-inspired collage. Remind them that they can even use the paper scraps obtained after cutting out paper shapes.

positive and negative space cutout complicated

Then encourage them to move around the pieces on the background till they are satisfied with the composition. Next let children cut out pieces of paper in varying shapes, sizes and colours. More importantly though show some collages made by Matisse so children get ideas on how paper cut outs can be put together in attractive ways. If some come up with a particular shape in mind – like a bear or house - it might be a good idea at this stage to have them draw the basic outline. Get your learners started by first thinking what kind of design they want to create with collage on their blank paper.

positive and negative space cutout complicated

Supplies needed for project are simple and include a piece of coloured card stock or construction paper, multiple pieces of coloured construction paper for cutting, scissors, a glue stick or liquid school glue. Inspire your learners to follow the Master’s footsteps to make their own paper cut-out collage. This drew him to a new art form – colourful paper cutouts put together in collages or diverse arrangements that could even take up huge walls. Around the age of seventy, Matisse struggled with stomach cancer which made it difficult to stand and move around to draw and sculpt.

Positive and negative space cutout complicated